Studies & Projects

Related Studies

Agreement No. CE 34/2021 (TT) – Pedestrian Environment and Traffic Improvements to Bring Vibrancy to the Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen Waterfront and Ap Lei Chau North Areas – Feasibility Study

  • Commissioned by IISO in December 2021 and completed in June 2024

  • Objective

    To study the existing conditions, assess the possible impacts of the key projects proposed under the IIS initiative, and formulate a comprehensive plan including pedestrian environment and traffic improvements as well as facelifting proposals to bring vibrancy to the IIS focus areas (see Study Area ).

  • Latest Development

    The short-term proposals recommended under the Study are already completed or in different stages of the implementation process. IISO will continue to collaborate with relevant government departments to take forward the other proposals formulated under the Study. Some of the medium to long-term proposals are subject to review in relation to considerations such as future pedestrian and traffic flows, planning of the major transport facilities, and the development/redevelopment projects in the Study Area.

    Please refer to the Executive Summary for the findings and recommendations of the Study.

    findings and recommendations of the Study

    The Study was commended Honourable Mention in the Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2023.

  • Commissioned by Planning Department in May 2020 and completed in December 2023

  • Objective

    To comprehensively reimagine the concept of open space to holistically uplift the open space experience in Hong Kong.

  • Pilot Case in Wong Chuk Hang

    The public space next to Tai Wong Ye Temple in Wong Chuk Hang has been selected as one of the pilot cases in the study. Conceptual design is developed for this pilot case to showcase the design guidelines proposed under the study. The concept is to upgrade the public space into a more prominent “piazza” to facilitate people gathering, community events and pedestrian movements across various activity, scenic and transport nodes.

  • Latest Development

    Parts of the improvement proposal including beautification of two pillars of the MTR viaduct with mural paintings and installation of benches have been completed. Repaving of the public space will be completed in end-2024. Provision of movable seating is also planned to facilitate interactions and flexibility in use.

Agreement No. CE 18/2020 (DS) – Review of Drainage Master Plan in Southern Hong Kong Island – Feasibility Study

  • Commissioned by Drainage Services Department in February 2021

  • Objective

    To assess the performance of the existing drainage system and proposing short-term and long-term drainage improvement measures to further reduce the risk of flooding in the Southern Hong Kong Island and cope with future developments.

  • Revitalisation of Staunton Creek Nullah

    The proposal for the revitalisation of Staunton Creek Nullah in Wong Chuk Hang into a river forms part of the review of the Drainage Master Plan. The main components of the revitalisation scheme include the construction of a pedestrian boardwalk along the northern bank in the downstream section of the nullah, with the provision of viewing decks and cross-river walkways, integration with the adjacent public/open spaces, and environmental and landscape upgrading of the nullah.

  • Latest Development

    The proposed pedestrian boardwalk forms the first stage of the nullah revitalisation scheme.  Works would commence subject to funding approval.  Improvement works for the upstream section of the nullah near MTR Ocean Park Station were completed in January 2024.

Agreement No. CE 80/2021 (CE) – Expansion of Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter – Investigation, Design and Construction

  • Commissioned by Civil Engineering and Development Department in April 2022

  • Objective

    To address the strong regional demand for sheltered space in Hong Kong Island South, particularly from pleasure vessels, while to support tourism, leisure and recreational development in the Southern District.

  • Planning Direction and Preliminary Design

    It is to proposed to construct new breakwaters at the eastern and western side of Aberdeen Channel to the south of Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter, and install a floating breakwater to the east of the tombolo at Ap Lei Pai, expanding the typhoon shelter by about 24 hectares (including navigation areas). At the same time, it is proposed to demolish a part of the existing breakwater at the eastern side of Ap Lei Chau (about 70 metres long), to optimise the navigation area of the expanded typhoon shelter. In addition, it is proposed to improve the existing breakwater at the side of Po Chong Wan, which will become an open space. It is also proposed to provide more open space at the new breakwater at Tai Shue Wan, integrating with the public landing facilities there; and to construct a broadwalk connecting the existing Tai Shue Wan promenade and the new breakwater, facilitating the public and tourists to/from the area.

    See the location plan for Expansion of Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter.

  • Latest Development

    The Development Planning Committee of the Southern District Council was consulted on the design concepts for the Expansion of Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter project in May 2024.  The Civil Engineering and Development Department has substantially completed various technical assessments, including land and marine traffic impact assessments, and will submit the environmental impact assessment report to the Director of Environment Protection Department and arrange for public inspection, completing the statutory procedures under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance.  The Government will continue to implement the detailed design of this project and gazette the works in accordance with the Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance at an appropriate time.

Agreement No. CE 11/2022 (CE) – Deep Water Bay Pier and Tai Shue Wan Pier – Investigation, Design and Construction

  • Led by Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau and commissioned by Civil Engineering and Development Department in July 2022

  • Objective

    To enhance Ocean Park’s in-park circulation and connectivity with other attractions in the Southern District and beyond, and consolidate the Ocean Park’s position in organising marine tourism in the Southern District.

  • Latest Development

    To create synergy, it is proposed to integrate the proposed Tai Shue Wan breakwater under Expansion of Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter project with the proposed Tai Shue Wan Pier, i.e. to provide public landing facility at that new breakwater, to cater for vessel berthing and passengers’ embarkation and disembarkation needs. The integration proposal will reduce the navigation area required for the originally planned Tai Shue Wan Pier and thus increase the usable area of the expanded Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter, saving overall cost and minimising impact of multiple construction to the environment.

    See the illustrative concept of proposed public landing facility at the new Tai Shue Wan breakwater.

  • Commissioned by Civil Engineering and Development Department in May 2023

  • Objective

    To build a “Round-the-Island Trail” of about 60 kilometers long on Hong Kong Island, connecting the waterfront promenades on the northern shore and a number of existing promenades and countryside walking trails in the Southern District, the proposed alignment of the Trail is shown in the figure below. IISO is responsible for coordinating and working with the relevant departments to take forward this project, with a view to achieving the key performance indicator set in the Policy Address, i.e. connecting 90% of the trail by end-2027 and substantially completing the remaining larger scale works by end-2031.

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  • Latest Development

    Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) commenced the feasibility study in May 2023, proposing the overall planning, alignment, connection and improvement schemes of various sections, implementation strategy and time table of the Trail, conducting land survey and relevant technical assessments, and estimating the project cost.

    With a view to connect the missing link of the Trail and improve the walking environment of some existing sections as soon as possible, we have commenced some of the works in phases since 2023, including construction of new trail between Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Dam and Hong Kong Trail Section 7, and tree beautification works at a section of footpath at Victoria Road near Mount Davis to showcase the beautiful seascape along the way. Concurrently, CEDD and the Consultant continue to carry out detailed design of the proposed works and will progressively implement the works of various trail sections. In addition, Transport Department, Highways Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Hospital Authority will also collaborate with us to implement some connection and improvement works.

    Aerial photos from Lands Department